World of Warcraft:Cataclysm Herbalism Farming Routes

Hey Guys, I realized most of you are having trouble locating where mass amount of your desired herbs are. Well, this blog post will be focusing on just that!


Whiptail has a very common spawn rate in Uldum. The best farming route for Whiptail is around the Cataclysm Dungeon, “The Lost City of Tol’vir”. This route is a very good route if you are looking to farm Volatile Life as well, seeing Whiptail is plentyful here, and is one of the few herbs that drop it. My personal results from one hour: 40 stacks of Whiptail… 190 Volatile Life    


Cinderbloom has a very common spawn rate in Deepholm. The best farming route for Cinderbloom in Deepholm is through “Needle Rock Chasm” into “The Pale Roost” then down around the “Temple of Earth”, around “DeathWing’s Fall” into “Silvermarsh” then back around to “NeedleRock Chasm”. This route is a very good route if you are looking to farm Volatile Life as well, seeing Cinderbloom is plentyful here, and is one of the few herbs that drop it.

Azshara’s Veil

Azshara’s Veil has a very common spawn rate in Shimmering Expanse, Vashj’ir. The best farming route is through the “Glimmerdeep Gorge” around “Nespirah” down into “Bill’aran Ridge” around the west side of “The Ruins of Vashj’ir” then back into the “Glimmerdeep Gorge”. This route is a very good route if you are looking to farm Volatile Life as well, seeing Azshara’s Veil is plentyful here, and is one of the few herbs that drop it. 





Stormvine is not the fastest spawning herb in Azeroth… but from my experiences farming I found that Mount Hyjal is the best place to gather Stormvine. The best route for farming Stormvine is through “The Circle of Cinders” into the “Shrine of Aviana” across to the “Grove of Aessina” around the “Shrine of Goldrinn” then back into “The Circle of Cinders”. I would not suggest this route if you are looking to farm Volatile Life.

Twilight Jasmine

Twilight Jasmine has a very rare spawn rate. The best and really ONLY farming route is in Twilight Highlands. It starts at “DragonMaw Port” across to “Dawwald Ruins” up to “Victory Point” around “Thundermar” down under “Firebeard’s Patrol” then back to “DragonMaw Port”.


Heartblossom has a common spawn rate in Deepholm. The best route for Heartblossom is to start at “Temple of Earth” go up and through “The Pile Roost”, “Needle Rock Chasm”, & “Needle Rock Slag” dipping down into “Stone Hearth” across the block to “The Shattered Fields” then staying along the edge of Deepholm until you reach “Twilight Overlook” then up into “Silvermarsh” followed by “Crimson Expanse” then curve into “Deathwing’s Fall” leading you back to “Temple of Earth”.

I would recommend this route if you are looking to farm some Volatile Life as well!

…. And that’s all the routes you need to know to be able to efficiently farm every Cataclysm herb in Azeroth!

Have a great day farming!

One Response

  1. this is amazing Editor’s Comment: Thank you, I’m glad you think so!(:

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